
SHOWOW 敲表演最美好旅程
SHOWOW is the first free trade commercial performance marketing platform in Asia. Collecting varieties outstanding performers and performances. Also, we provide the most immediate, stable, and reasonable price for every performances on the platform. SHOWOW serve both performers and event producers. Our service including productions for both events and shows. In the same time, cross-border is no longer difficult to find a performance and also for performers to perform cross-city. Come join SHOWOW, let’s build a beautiful galaxy of performance industry.
SHOWOW is the first free trade commercial performance marketing platform in Asia. Collecting varieties outstanding performers and performances. Also, we provide the most immediate, stable, and reasonable price for every performances on the platform. SHOWOW serve both performers and event producers. Our service including productions for both events and shows. In the same time, cross-border is no longer difficult to find a performance and also for performers to perform cross-city. Come join SHOWOW, let’s build a beautiful galaxy of performance industry.

SHOWOW敲表演平台如一無垠無涯的宇宙,兼容形形色色的表演構建而成的星系,SHOWOW建構10大表演星系,將表演分類細緻成上百大類別,設計六顆商演價格星球預算,敲表演的過程變成美好享受,你我將成為太空探測員,自由的發現、參與,隨時獲取最新上架的表演 ,並且在有效預算內找到更多元性的表演,完成您的美好活動。我們張開手臂邀請您加入SHOWOW亞洲首站-TAIWAN,台灣這片美麗的土地,兼容各類表演,只要您愛表演,喜歡表演,樂於製作活動,想要認識更多表演工作者,這裡是您的大門。SHOWOW跟您一起迎接全民製作時代,搭上這班火箭,勇闖表演星系!
SHOWOW builds a STAR network in 2012, assisting nearly 1,000 performance groups in Taiwan。 We expect more good shows can be focused by the unity and internet communication。We noticed there are countless good performances in Taiwan that have not been seen. We have been working hard on build a new platform for both performers and buyers for a year and a half. Finally, In the fall of 2019, The new brand-SHOWOW came out,We re-optimize the site , and we are the first free trade commercial performance marketing platform in Asia。SHOWOW combine E-commerce, Community Interaction, Cross-platform resource alliance and invented star coin etc. We are trying to make performances and events full of possibilities。
SHOWOW is a vast universe, there are various performances like galaxy. We also divide the performance into 10 galaxies and divide the performance style into 100 categories. There are six planets on SHOWOW, they represent the budget for various performances. We give you many traditional and characteristic performances. On SHOWOW, We are all like astronauts: free to discover, participate. Not only get the latest performance information, but also order with effective budget to complete your performance. Please come join us! The first free trade commercial performance marketing platform in Taiwan, Asia. As long as you love make performances and also enjoy product events, and get to know more performers, come to SHOWOW! This is a new age for everyone to be producer, don not hesitate to join us. Welcome to catch up the SHOWOW rocket, exploring varieties performances as you wish!
SHOWOW敲表演平台如一無垠無涯的宇宙,兼容形形色色的表演構建而成的星系,SHOWOW建構10大表演星系,將表演分類細緻成上百大類別,設計六顆商演價格星球預算,敲表演的過程變成美好享受,你我將成為太空探測員,自由的發現、參與,隨時獲取最新上架的表演 ,並且在有效預算內找到更多元性的表演,完成您的美好活動。我們張開手臂邀請您加入SHOWOW亞洲首站-TAIWAN,台灣這片美麗的土地,兼容各類表演,只要您愛表演,喜歡表演,樂於製作活動,想要認識更多表演工作者,這裡是您的大門。SHOWOW跟您一起迎接全民製作時代,搭上這班火箭,勇闖表演星系!
SHOWOW builds a STAR network in 2012, assisting nearly 1,000 performance groups in Taiwan。 We expect more good shows can be focused by the unity and internet communication。We noticed there are countless good performances in Taiwan that have not been seen. We have been working hard on build a new platform for both performers and buyers for a year and a half. Finally, In the fall of 2019, The new brand-SHOWOW came out,We re-optimize the site , and we are the first free trade commercial performance marketing platform in Asia。SHOWOW combine E-commerce, Community Interaction, Cross-platform resource alliance and invented star coin etc. We are trying to make performances and events full of possibilities。
SHOWOW is a vast universe, there are various performances like galaxy. We also divide the performance into 10 galaxies and divide the performance style into 100 categories. There are six planets on SHOWOW, they represent the budget for various performances. We give you many traditional and characteristic performances. On SHOWOW, We are all like astronauts: free to discover, participate. Not only get the latest performance information, but also order with effective budget to complete your performance. Please come join us! The first free trade commercial performance marketing platform in Taiwan, Asia. As long as you love make performances and also enjoy product events, and get to know more performers, come to SHOWOW! This is a new age for everyone to be producer, don not hesitate to join us. Welcome to catch up the SHOWOW rocket, exploring varieties performances as you wish!